Athens, 17thMarch 2023
Organized criminal
group dismantled by the Directorate of Financial Police. The OCGsmuggled alcoholic
beverages from Bulgaria, and sold them in liquor stores, nightclubs, etc.
21 OCG members arrested; leaderincluded
20,000 bottles of contraband alcoholic beverages
seized among others;
evadedtaxes estimated at 200,000 euros
Total illicitprofit of the OCG estimated at
several million euros
An organized
criminal group (OCG) was dismantled by the Directorate of Financial Police, in
cooperation with the Sub directorate of the Financial Police of Northern
Greece, under the coordination of SEK.
The OCG smuggled alcoholic beverages from Bulgaria and
distributed them, in order to be sold, to liquor stores, mini markets,
restaurants and nightclubs.
21 OCG members were
arrested, including the OCG leader. The case file formed includes at least 9
more persons, whose personal data have been identified.
The investigation
revealed that the OCG has systematically been smuggling alcoholic beverages of
dubious origin from Bulgaria, reaping thus huge economic earnings since at
least March 2022.
For their “business”
goal, they used trucks in order to transport legalproducts to Greece, while the
alcoholic beverages were covered on specially designed pallets, in such a way
that they would not be noticed.They temporarily stored the beverages in a
warehouse in an area of Evia. Then the illegal cargo was transported to
warehouses in Attica, where fake Greek labels were placed on the bottles.
Subsequently, the
OCG members channeled the beverage quantities to liquor stores, mini markets,
restaurants and entertainment clubs in areas of Attica, Thessaloniki and other
parts of Greece.
Searches were carried
out in warehouses, business premises and vehicles in Attica and Thessaloniki,
where the following items were found and seized:
19,588 bottles of alcoholic beverages,
50,000 labels of branded alcoholic
2 trucks and 5 private vehicles,
EUR 7,144,
30 cellphones, and
a multitude of tools and notes.
The duties
and taxes evaded from the seized quantity of alcoholic beverages exceed 200,000
euros. In addition, the investigation revealed that since the beginning of its
illegal activity, the OCG trafficked more than 500,000 bottles, corresponding
to an illegal profit of several million euros.
The seized amount
will be deposited in the Deposit and Loan Fund, the bottles will be handed over
to the customs authorities, while the alcoholic beverages will be sampled and sent
to the General Chemical State Laboratoryfor analysis.
Those arrested were
taken to the competent public prosecutor's office.
It is reminded that
citizens can contact, anonymously or by name, at the telephone number 11012 or
at the e-mail address of the Directorate of
Financial Police, to provide information or to report illegal and reprehensible
actions or activities against the sector of economy, public property, and
social and security welfare and rights.