
Under the coordination of SEK a gas station was inspected. The gas station was located by the Directorate of Financial Police and found hiding two tanks and violating the Inflows-Outflows system. The following Services assisted the inspection:

·         Directorate of Control of Fuel Distribution and Storage (DEDAK),

·         Directorate of Transport and Communications of the Western Sector of Athens,

·         Directorate of Civil Quality and Metrology of the Ministry of Development and Investments, and

·         Directorate of Criminal Investigations of the Hellenic Police


By the Directorate of Financial Police, a gas station was located in the morning hours on Monday, April 112022, in an area of Attica, which was supplying contrabandfuelto the market.

This gas station kept hidden two underground tanks with contraband fuel, as well as a special mechanism for violating the inflows and outflows system, in order to extract the fuels from the tanks and sell them to unsuspecting consumers.

Three people (two nationals and a foreigner) were arrested for the, as the case may be, violations of the laws of the National Customs Code, Organization of the Petroleum Products Market and Competition, while the case file formed also includes the owner of the gas station and the female owner of a tank truck.

In particular, during the inspection, carried out jointly with SEK, a tank truck was found supplying contraband fuel, through a special nozzle, which was carefully hidden in the ground, near the two illegal underground tanks.

At the same time, a special remote control was found in the area of the gas station, through which the alternation between the legal and illegal tanks that supplied the gas pumps was achieved, as well as a computer, connected and monitoring the outflow of fuel from the two illegally hidden underground tanks.

In total, the following were found and seized:

14,800 liters of unleaded 95-octane gasoline,

EUR 76 120,

remote control-button and USB stick,

hard disk

automation relay double,

switch for electronic board (single),

tank truck,

notepadand 3 mobilephones.

The necessary tax information was obtained in order to carry out the relevant audit checks and to determine the amount of contraband fuel that was transported “escaping” the inflows-outflows control system.In addition, the pumps of the service station were sealed. The remote control, the usb stick and the hard drive will be sent to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations for lab examination, while the amount of money will be deposited in the Deposit and Loan Fund. Those arrested were taken to the competent public prosecutor's office.