In the context of the controls carried out by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue against smuggling and trafficking of drugs, weapons, cigarettes and counterfeit products, the Anti-Smuggling Department of the 1stCustoms of Thessaloniki, proceeded to the seizure of thirty-six million hundred thousand (36,100,000) pieces of contraband cigarettes.On 13/04/2022, after a risk analysis by the Anti-Smuggling Department, a container with declared merchandise "wooden cutlery" was selected for inspection, for which a request for rail transport to Bulgaria had been submitted and was located in a surrounding fiscal warehouse area. Initially, a check was carried out by the tobacco detector dog "HACKER", which gave an indication of the existence of tobacco. Then, a random check was carried out on the remaining cargo, which had arrived by road in the previous days and remained in the fiscal warehouse.The inspection led to the discovery of the huge number of contraband cigarettes, involving goods declared as "wooden cutlery" and "security shoes", which had arrived by road from Bulgaria, having declared as senders, Greek companies, and as recipients, businesses in the Czech Republic. The following day, and with the contribution of SEK, Customs Auditing Services (ELYT) of Attica found that Greek companies do not actually exist in the declared headquarters.In total, after the completion of the checks, 36.1 million contraband cigarettes were found and seized. Their respective duties and taxes amount to a total of ………………