By the use of intelligence received from the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) concerning a suspicious container, SEK acted promptly and coordinated an operation carried out by the competent Authorities of the 3rd Customs Office of Piraeus in cooperation with the Drugs & Contraband Enforcement Directorate of the Hellenic Coast Guard.As a result of the coordinated actions, an illegal shipment of 9,650,000 cigarettes was located and seized on 07/05/2021. The illegal import and trafficking of the cargo would lead to the evading of excise duty, and, thus, losing revenue for both the state and the EU. It is estimated that the corresponding duties and taxes from the seized quantity of tobacco amount to a total of two million euros (€ 2,000,000). In a press release issued by OLAF on 31/5/2021, the Director General of OLAF Ville Itälä congratulated the Greek authorities on their success and at the same time thanked them for their excellent cooperation, stressing the common goal of combating smuggling and protecting national and EU interests.